FBI NICS E-Check Enrollment Form
Before completing the enrollment form, you should read the instructions detailing each field. This
will assist you in completing the form. These instructions are available in Adobe Acrobat Reader (PDF)
and text format.
FFL E-Check Enrollment Form (PDF)
FFL E-Check Enrollment Form Instructions (PDF)
FFL E-Check Enrollment Form Instructions (Text)
Each officer or employee completing the enrollment form should understand his or her NICS responsibilities. A document is provided in Adobe Acrobat Reader (PDF) format to document this acknowledgment of responsibilities. This document should be printed, completed, and retained by the FFL for each officer or employee before completing the enrollment form.
FFL Officer or Employee Acknowledgment of Responsibilities under NICS (PDF)
The enrollment form is provided in Adobe Acrobat Reader (PDF) format. This document must be printed, completed, and mailed to the NICS Section. For more instructions see the section of this site entitled Completing and Returning the FBI NICS E-Check Enrollment Form.